Deacons Ministry
Mission Statement:
The Deacons Ministry is a band of soldiers who support the vision and mission of the church and Pastor by being an extended arm of the Pastor.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Deacons Ministry role is to advance the unity of the church with emphasis on supporting all other ministries of the church.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Expectations:
The Deacons Ministry has the responsibility of fulfilling two main ordinances of the church: the Lord's Supper and Baptism. They support the pastor, but not limited, in visiting the sick and shut in and overseeing other such ministries of the church to include security, food bank, the preservation of the church, benevolent and baptism and all other duties as assigned by the Pastor.
Duties of the Chairman:
Will be the spokesperson for the Deacons
Will be the liaison between the church members and the pastor
Will help schedule meetings through the ministry along with an agenda and bring the meeting to order and conduct the meeting
Will make sure the Deacon Ministry’s agreed upon decisions/goals are carried out
Will lead by example
Trustees Ministry
Mission Statement:
The Trustee Ministry at Mays Grove Baptist Church, in addition to supporting the overall mission of the church which is to be the lighthouse in this community, is to make sure that “this house” and its “hallow grounds” are well-kept and maintained and that “this house” is a safe and spiritual place of worship.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Trustee Ministry serves, alongside the Pastor, as the overseer of the Church’s business matters and properties. The primary purpose of the Board is to make sure that the Church is a comfortable and safe place for people to meet together and to meet God. This ministry accomplishes this by overseeing all of the financial and legal administration, purchase, sale and maintenance of the Church’s properties, acting as the legal representative for the Church in its financial obligations, protection and management. The Trustee Ministry Chairman serves along with the Pastor, Deacon Board Chairman, and other ministry leaders as members of the Executive Staff of the Church.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Expectations:
In addition to maintaining and supervising the upkeep of the physical structure and properties of the church, the Trustee Ministry in conjunction with the recording and financial secretaries of the church should be able to produce, approve and ratify with the Pastor’s approval:
policy and procedures for the financial administration of the church
be the liaison to church auxiliaries and boards especially with budget concerns
provide assistance with yearly (and monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual) budget preparation, monitoring, statements, disclosures and amendments
assist auxiliaries with expenditure requests for church ministries and events through requisition forms/approvals; a requisition form (once developed) has to be completed by the ministry leader stating a request for a check indicating to whom and why certain funds should be paid: it has to be completed by the third Sunday; the chairman of the Trustee Ministry (after consulting with church secretaries) signs it – indicating funds are available; it is submitted to the pastor for signature/approval by the first of the month,
invest Church funds and manage bank accounts and investments
account for and deposits tithes and offerings and other funds contributed and/or donated to the Church for specific purpose
be responsible for opening and closing the church before and after service and special events.
be required to attend church regularly and give tithes and offerings on a regular basis
be represented in the search committee to fill the job of the pastor when there is a vacancy and decide the salary and other terms.
Missionary Ministry
Mission Statement:
The Missionary Ministry of Mays Grove Missionary Baptist Church is a ministry of a small band who represent all of the members from “The Lighthouse” who reflect the general mission/vision of the church which is to shine brightly in the community as we spread the good news of Christ. The mission of the ministry is to stimulate missionary work (shared and spiritual fellowship) of the spirit of Christ in the members of the church.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
We believe as a Ministry that we are called by God to reach the lost,(Mission), to witness to others, (Evangelism), to nurture those who have joined our fellowship and to study God’s word so that we may be better disciples of Christ (Education).
Duties, Responsibilities, and Expectations:
As a Ministry, we are dedicated to:
visiting the sick and shut-in and notifying the Pastor and church of them
assisting with greeting and accommodating the bereaved families as requested before and after funeral
providing for the less fortunate among us with food, clothing and household items as requested
teaching and training and nurturing our Mission Youth
preparing the elements for the Lord’s Supper on Communion Sundays.
Sunday School Ministry
Mission Statement:
The Sunday School Ministry at “The Lighthouse” mission is to build a biblical foundation in the lives of individuals that will transform families, friends, and the community for the Kingdom of God through a foundation/method of allotted time for teaching/learning and discussion of God’s Word. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Sunday School Mission is to make the fullness of God’s word a reality in every believer’s life through a study of the scripture on a routine basis through a forum of reading and studying God’s Word.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Expectations:
The Sunday School Mission is to provide a strong foundation in Christian education for both the young people and mature men and women of Christ. To expose everyone to the beauty of God’s creation, developing in them a belief in God’s presence in their lives and leading them to make a full commitment to following Christ’s example by way of:
A commitment by the superintendent and teacher(s) to instruct, and thoroughly equip the church (2 Tim. 3:17) through a period of time called “Sunday School.”
A commitment to faithfully teaching the whole counsel of God without compromise (Acts 20:27)
A willingness to teach with “long-suffering” or patience (2 Tim. 4:2), rather than quitting or giving in to discouragement;
A belief that our people will perish without a lack of understanding (Hosea 4:6) and therefore, we must teach God’s word so that His followers and believers will understand His word and apply His word in their everyday lives.
Culinary Arts Ministry
Mission Statement:
The culinary ministry of the Mays Grove Missionary Baptist Church is a ministry that reaches out to its members and the community to make sure that everyone is nutritionally stable after the physical bread is required.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Culinary Ministry is responsible for all food service at “The Lighthouse” and for the community as those services relate to functions at “The Lighthouse.”
Duties, Responsibilities and Expectations:
This ministry has the responsibility and accountability for overseeing the operation, use, cleanliness, and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment. The Culinary Ministry provides food for all special occasions, upon request from other “Lighthouse” ministries. The Culinary Ministry also provides food for funerals, receptions and other church supported activities.
Marketing Ministry
Mission Statement:
The Marketing Ministry of the Mays Grove Missionary Baptist Church is a ministry that encompasses the general goal/vision of the church: to be the lighthouse in this community. It is, therefore, this ministry’s mission to make the activities, functions, and programs that are offered known to the community.
The Marketing Ministry’s main purpose is to advertise the events that are happening at “The Lighthouse” through printed programs and flyers and through all media for advertisement.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Expectations:
This ministry’s duties include:
Creating newsletters/advertisement either to be advertised or given to the secretary for correspondence
Maintaining/supervising media /communication team
Printing all church bulletins and preparing all PowerPoints
Being the liaison with the media outlet (newspapers, radio, social media, etc.)
Website Enhancement and design
Music Ministry
Mission Statement:
The music department’s mission of the Mays Grove Baptist Church is to enrich the service through praise, worship and devotion in song. This ministry sets the tone, mood, and attitude for worship.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Music Ministry is the means through which the soul and spirit reach out to God in worship and praise with a song in spirit and in truth. The Music Ministry assists the worshippers in centering their thoughts upon God. For those who are not born again, it will prepare their hearts for the Holy Spirit to minister to them.
Our vision is to worship God in truth and in spirit and leading people into the presence of God and in adoration, create an atmosphere of openness to the Holy Spirit that will break bondage, change hearts, and bring a release of God’s anointing. In essence, the Music Ministry will set an atmosphere whereby men will be saved, we may witness His Shekinah glory and usher in the presence of the Lord.
Duties, Responsibilities and Expectations:
The Music Ministry Director’s role is insure that choirs rehearse in a timely manner, that all musicians are in attendance on time for rehearsals and church functions, and that choir members attend rehearsals and functions on a routine basis unless otherwise informed. Failure to comply or actions that are unbecoming or fitting for persons in the choir or a part of the music team would, at first, be reasons for (and repeated violations would constitute numbers 2-4):
Verbal reprimand. Warning.
A written reprimand/warning that is forwarded to the pastor
Suspension for an agreed upon amount of time (with Pastor’s approval) from obligations to the ministry
Dismissal from being a part of the music ministry.
Ushers Ministry
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Usher Ministry at Mays Grove Baptist Church is to accommodate every worshipper who enters the church with a seat in the most pleasant and efficient manner possible.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Mays Grove Baptist Church Ushers are in uniform and serve every Sunday morning at the church and on sermonic engagements and other church held programs, as well as revivals, special programs and fellowship with area churches. Ushers offer assistance and oversee the orderly gathering of GOD'S people for worship. Ushers greet, welcome and assist worshipers and guests with comfortable seating to the sanctuary.
Duties, Responsibility and Expectations:
The Usher Ministry at “The Lighthouse” is committed to:
Strive to serve in a way that is pleasing to God and helpful to the Kingdom as they greet the worshippers as they enter the sanctuary.
Dress appropriately (with designated attire that is named).
Smile at all times and be pleasant and courteous.
Never chew gum.
Implement a training program to increase and maintain every usher's performance level and knowledge of all service positions.
Attend scheduled meetings and training sessions.
Provide assistance to other ministries with at church functions that need seating accommodations such as funerals, anniversaries, etc.
Travel with the Pastor on sermonic engagements.
Work as a team player and strive to increase an individual level of commitment and dedication to the usher board.
Audio/Visual Ministry
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of the Mays Grove Audio/Visual Ministry to provide the highest quality audio and video services within the Church. The Audio-Visual Ministry provides a broad range of media that enriches, enhances and cultivates the worship experience for the church and community at-large. As a result through audio and visual technology, the body of Christ is ministered to and edified.
Vision/Purpose Statement:
The Audio/Visual Ministry provides audio/visual and media support to the church ministries throughout the church campus and during all services. The ministry also is responsible for archiving and maintaining important church events and historical events and making them available to the church and the community in an electronic format and/or in a removable drive or digitally recorded compact disc format. Through technology, the ministry seeks to support the mission and vision of Mays Grove Baptist Church – to be “The Lighthouse” in the community.
Duties, Responsibility, and Expectations:
The media ministry is expected to:
Be responsible for all audio and visual media for the church. This includes but is not limited to: coordination of video equipment such as televisions and VCRs, overhead projectors, and screens, etc.
Be responsible for developing and/or assisting with visual presentations during services and providing visual aids for the morning announcements and scripture
Reproduce and archive services to include morning worship services, and other special events
Reproduce and distribute CD and taped media from worship services and special events. These CDs and tapes may be produced for sale (at a nominal fee) to the congregation following the said service
Make available CDs and tapes to minister to the sick and shut-in as well as visitors
Provide training for individuals on the proper use and care of equipment.
Work with the church calendar to be in attendance or available for all events requiring media support
Have a working knowledge of all audio-visual equipment on campus
Be responsible for duplication and archiving of master recordings and video
Be knowledgeable and able to work with the EasyWorship Program and all other technical components related to such productions such as WORD, PowerPoint, etc.